Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Monday, December 23, 2019
AD 002 - Teamwork
AD 002 - Teamwork
Worst Case Scenario
In a crisis, teamwork is crucial to handling challenges effectively. Fabricate a scenario in which students need to work together and solve problems to succeed (ex: stranded on a deserted island, being lost at sea, etc,.). The rule is that every team member must contribute an idea for a possible solution.
For example, they could come up with a list of items that would help them survive, or think of a plan to find shelter or build it. Students can then vote and agree to a final solution.
Train of Tall Tales
Form into a circle and give everyone a unique picture of a person, place, object, or animal. One person begins a story that issues whatever happens to be on their photo as the focus. The next person continues the story by adding something related to their photo. This exercise gets funny and challenging!
Paper Tower
This fun collaborative team-building exercise develops aspects of Solution, Creativity, and Collaboration Fluency. Each group constructs a free-standing tower out of newspaper and tape. There isn’t a time limit for this exercise unless you want to establish one.
It encourages critical thinking and problem-solving. Which team can build the tallest, structurally sound free-standing tower? Throughout the process, students will start to realize there are questions they have that they didn’t ask. This is a perfect time to get them to explore how to answer these questions for themselves.
Class Minefield
This is an exercise based on building communication and trust between people. Arrange a challenging obstacle course and place students into teams. They get to take turns navigating the minefield you’ve built while being blindfolded, with only their teammates verbally guiding them. You can also require students to use only specific words or clues to make it harder, and witch the minefield around for each team.
AD 001 - Strange Interview
AD 001 - Strange Interview
Pair up with a partner and test each other with these fun and challenging “job interview” questions. This one is all about lateral thinking and common-sense viewpoints. It’s also about active listening!
A man buys a new car and goes home to tell his wife. He goes the wrong way up a one-way street, nearly runs into 7 people, goes onto the sidewalk, and takes a shortcut through a park. A policeman sees all this and still doesn’t arrest him. Why not?
If you had a machine that could generate one million dollars a day, what would you be willing to pay for it?
Why is it against the law for a person living in New York to be buried in California?
One house is made of red bricks, one of blue bricks, one of yellow bricks, and one of purple bricks. What is the green house made of?
A little girl kicks a soccer ball. It goes 10 feet and comes back to her. How is this possible?
In South Africa, you can’t take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Why not?
You drive past a bus stop and see 3 people waiting for the bus: an old lady who is about to die, an old friend who saved your life, and your perfect partner. Knowing you can only have one passenger in your car, what would you do?
How much dirt is there in a hole 3 feet deep, 6 feet long, and 4 feet wide?
If it took 8 men 10 hours to build a wall, how long would it take 4 men to build the same wall?
How far can you walk into the woods?
How many books can you put in an empty backpack?
Your friend says he can predict the exact score of every football game before it begins. He’s right every time. How is that possible?
Answer Key
- The man was walking.
- Why pay for the machine if you already have it?
- Burying people who are still alive is a crime.
- Glass panels.
- She kicked it straight up into the air.
- You can’t take a picture with a wooden leg; you have to use a camera.
- Give the car keys to your friend, and let him take the old woman to the hospital. Then stay behind and wait for the bus with your perfect partner.
- None – otherwise it wouldn’t be a hole.
- The wall is already built; no need for anyone to build it again.
- Halfway – after that, you’re walking out of the woods.
- You only need one; then the backpack isn’t empty.
- The score before any football game begins is 0:0.
ID 007 - Sketch Them Out
ID 007 - Sketch Them Out
Everything around you – cars, buildings, even our electronic devices – all started with an idea. This is an exercise in creative visualization. In the space below, sketch out an idea for an invention or a concept you think would be cool. Some ideas are provided, but feel free to come up with your own.
- A portable source for charging a smartphone
- A traffic system that doesn’t rely on colors
- A machine that turns trash into energy
- A “green” vehicle
- An all-new method of personal transportation
- A new immersive gaming system
- An idea for a tablet or smartphone app
- A challenging and fun new idea for a sport
- A clever design for an interior space
- An idea for a social networking domain
My Inventive Idea:
ID 006 - Making Choices
ID 006 - Making Choices
Part of life is being able to strike a healthy balance between our needs and our wants. It’s also about focusing on what we consider to be truly important. Imagine you can have any 3 things that you want. In return, you must give away three things that you already have. What do you want and what will you give away, and why?
What I Choose to Have
I would want these things because:
What I Would Give Away
I would give up these things because:
ID 005 - You Know the Rules
ID 005 - You Know the Rules
The rules and laws we have in life are meant to guide us and protect us, and to keep order in our society. Imagine that you get to make 3 rules that everyone in the world must follow. What rules would you make and why?
Rule No. 1:
I chose this rule because:
Rule No. 2:
I chose this rule because:
Rule No. 3:
I chose this rule because:
ID 004 - Explain Yourself
ID 004 - Explain Yourself
How would you describe the following things and their sensations to someone who had never seen or experienced them before? Use all your senses in your descriptions?
A bunch of flowers
An automobile
A rainstorm
A laptop computer
A piece of chocolate
A rock concert
A hug from someone
A favorite place of yours
ID 003 - What Would Happen?
What Would Happen?
This exercise is designed to help you think laterally and discover new ways of looking at the world. Answer these questions using creative and constructive thinking. You can use as much detail as you like. For fun, try to think of your own “What Would Happen?” questions!
What would happen if
there were suddenly no computers, tablets, or phones of any kind anywhere on Earth?
we had to live in a world without electricity?
you woke up one morning to discover you had changed into a cartoon character?
all the animals in the world could suddenly communicate with us in our language?
you discovered your best friend was a superhero?
ID 002 - 1001 Ways
ID 002 - 1001 Ways
This is a brainstorming exercise. The class writes everyday objects on slips of paper and places all the slips in a box. You each draw a slip from the box, and the activity begins on a 15 min. timer. You must now come up with as many new uses for your object as you can. Write them down or sketch them out on a paper – be as creative as you can! (You can also do this exercise in pairs or groups)
My Object:
ID 001 - You Name It
ID 001 - You Name it
Answer each question for each list below. To make it more challenging, try answering as quickly as you can against another person.
Name 3 people that:
- Talk more than you
- Talk less than you
- Work hard
- You think are smart
- Wear costumes
- Are teachers
- Travel a lot
- Are always nice to you
- Have a job you’d love to do
- Are very creative
Name 3 places that:
- Have good food
- You would like to visit
- Have lots of mountains
- Are always warm
- You don’t want to visit ever
- Are not on Earth
- Have a lot of technology
- People haven’t fought in wars
- Have a lot of pollution
- Are famous all over the world
Name 3 things that:
- Are square
- Are orange
- Smell good
- Live in the water
- Taste terrible
- You enjoy doing
- You don’t enjoy doing
8, People read
- You see at school every day
- Scare you
VI 006 - Awesome Anagrams
VI 006 - Awesome Anagrams
Anagrams are words and sentences that can be written in different ways to obtain more words or groups of words. Create new words by rearranging the letters in the ones below – some can be tricky!
Answer Key
- pares
- parse
- pears
- reaps
- spare
- drawer
- redraw
- warder
- warred
- slate
- stale
- steal
- tales
- teals
- resin
- rinse
- risen
- siren
- tapes
- peats
- septa
- spate
- merits
- miters
- mitres
- remits
- timers
- carets
- caters
- caster
- crates
- reacts
- recast
- palest
- palets
- pastel
- petals
- pleats
- septal
- staple
- tepals
- drapes
- padres
- parsed
- rasped
- spader
- spared
- opts
- pots
- stop
- tops
- parley
- pearly
- replay
- amen
- mane
- mean
- stake
- steak
- takes
- teaks
- naps
- pans
- span
- pale
- peal
- plea
- pastier
- pirates
- traipse
- aster
- stare
- taser
- tears
- retrains
- strainer
- terrains
- trainers
- asps
- saps
- spas
- mate
- meat
- tame
- eats
- sate
- seat
- teas
VI 005 - Meanings in Mind
VI 005 - Meanings in Mind
Write one sentence to explain what each common image or symbol means to you. The idea here is to move away from conventional meanings and relate to the images personally.
VI 004 - Crazy Captions
VI 004 - Crazy Captions
Put in your creative wording for each of these images. You can write some dialog between the characters, write a single-line caption, or turn the image into a clever meme. Keep it short and witty!
VI 003 - 4/9 Connect
VI 003 - 4/9 Connect
Connect these 9 dots using only four lines, and without lifting your pencil from the paper. (Hint: Think beyond real and imaginary boundaries with this puzzle.)
Answer Key
Start experimenting with lines that extend outside the square, and the answer comes quickly. Here is a solution: if the dots are numbered 1 through 9 from left to right, draw a line from dot 1 through 5 to 9, then up through 6 and 3 and outside of the box, then back down through 2 and 4, then right through 7 and 8. This will allow you to create other solutions based on these rules.
VI 002 - Total Recall
VI 002 - Total Recall
Look at the objects and words on the page for 1 minute. Next, try to write down everything you remember seeing and reading on the page. If you’re doing this one as a color print-off, try recalling the specific color of each word and shape too, if you can.
VI 001 - Rebus Roundup
VI 001 - Rebus Roundup
Rebus puzzles use visuals that put a different spin on words or parts of words that are well known. Figure out the word or phrase for each of these rebus puzzles and write it underneath.
Answer Key
- Split decision
- Middle age
- One after another
- Editor in chief
- Tea for two
- Bigger and better
- Tennessee
- Moral support
- Forget it
- Small talk
- Crossbreed
- Half-hearted
- Mixed metaphor
- Sideshow
- Travel overseas
- Top secret
- Painless operation
- Get up and go
- See for yourself
- Jack in the box
CO 007 - Fact or Opinion
CO 007 - Fact or Opinion
This exercise is about differentiating between fact and opinion. A fact can be proven either true or false. An opinion is an expression of feeling or point-of-view and cannot be proven true or false.
The teacher will create some statements that are either facts or opinions. If it’s a fact, check on F and then briefly explain how it can be proven. If it’s an opinion, check on O and briefly explain why you feel it can’t be proven. Compare answers with your friends and share your views.
# | Statement | F | O | Reasoning |
1 | The classroom is freezing. | |||
2 | The temperature in this room is 70∘. | |||
3 | ||||
4 | ||||
5 | ||||
6 | ||||
7 | ||||
8 | ||||
9 | ||||
10 |
CO 006 - Elevator Pitch
CO 006 - Elevator Pitch
This is an exercise used in business to help you think fast and get your point across. It’s all about choosing and using words carefully and persuasively to achieve your goals in any conversation.
You must convincingly “pitch” an idea, concept, product/service or proposal in the time it takes to ride an elevator (about 30 to 60 seconds) so this is a timed exercise. Make some notes about what you want to say; some topic ideas and note space are provided below. Enjoy the ride!
Ideas for EP Topics
A product or service you are offering
An idea for a website/social network
A special project you need to fund
The favor you need from someone
An organization or business plan
An invention you want to get patented
A party plan for a birthday/wedding
A campaign for a political position
An advertisement for a local event
An idea for a blog or a book
Unique interior design for space
My Topic:
CO 005 - Silent Sharing
CO 005 - Silent Sharing
Here is an exercise for visualization and non-verbal communication. It involves conversing with writing and drawing to develop reflection and deliberate thinking.
Break into groups of 2 or 3. Each person gets their sheet (or create one big one for the team). The teacher will provide an essential driving question to ponder. Write it at the top of the sheet. Next, reflect on the question and then begin “talking” about it using only writing and sketching in your space.
The Essential Question:
Drawing Area
CO 004 - Talk It Out
CO 004 - Talk It Out
Time for some great debates! In this exercise, students will learn the importance of being able to take a stance on an issue and defending that stance with logic, reasoning, knowledge, and common sense.
Below is a list of scenarios to present for students to discuss and debate. They are based primarily on ethics and morality. They will encourage students to take a stand and defend their viewpoint. These can be done in pairs, but are much more compelling in larger class debates where views are divided. They can also be used as individual worksheets – students can circle an answer and then explain their choice in writing.
Richard finds an expensive looking ring in the school hallway one day. It has no name on it, and it’s not near anyone’s locker. Should he:
A) Give it to lost and found
B) Ask if it belongs to anyone there
C) Keep it and not say anything
Judy’s friend is stressed about an upcoming test. Judy already took the test and got 100%, so she knows all the answers already. Should she:
A) Just give the answers to her friend
B) Use her knowledge to coach her friend
C) Not get involved at all
Coach Nelson has caught two of his star basketball players vandalizing school property. The rule is that they must be suspended. If that happens their team loses the upcoming semi-finals. If the coach keeps quiet they’ll surely win, but he could lose his job. Should the coach:
A) Suspend the two players and obey the rules
B) Pretend he never saw them
Nick overhears two students bragging about having posted some inappropriate images of a female student online for a joke. Should he:
A) Mind his own business
B) Report the incident to the school principal
C) Confront the boys and defend the student
You witness a bank robbery and follow the perpetrator down an alleyway. He stops at an orphanage and gives them all the money. Would you:
A) Report the man to police since he committed a crime
B) Leave him alone because you saw him do a good deed
A friend tells you that he/she has been receiving anonymous bullying messages online. You suspect that certain people are guilty. Would you:
A) Tell your friend just to ignore them
B) Encourage them to report the abuse
C) Risk confronting the ones you suspect
CO 003 - Alien Travel Guide
CO 003 - Alien Travel Guide
This exercise encourages us to look much deeper at who we are both as individuals and as a society. It’s about looking at what we do or what we value with a fresh perspective.
Each activity encourages you to answer the questions as a way of exploring assumptions and some common situations in life that we take for granted. There are 2 scenarios provided. The blank space is so that you can write your own. You can test your classmates with your scenarios in stylized interview sessions where one of you is the alien and the other is the travel guide.
Scenario 1
You are conducting a tour for aliens who are visiting earth and observing humans. You’re all in their spaceship when you fly over a football stadium. One of the aliens is confused and turns to you for help. Try answering these questions:
What is a game, and why do humans play them?
What are “teams” and why are they so important for humans to be part of?
Why is it these games seem to get more attention than other matters on your planet, like disease and poverty?
Why do humans get so emotional and even violent when watching games?
What would happen if no human could ever play these games again?
Scenario 2
You are chatting with a group of aliens on a tour of a local library. While you all mingle, one of the aliens picks up a volume about the history of global war and conflict. The alien turns to you and asks you these questions:
What is war and why do humans wage it upon each other?
Humans seem to feel that warfare is often the only way to resolve conflict. Why is this so?
How do you decide who wins and who loses? How do you know this is accurate?
How does warfare affect those who can’t or won’t participate?
What legacy do you feel these wars will provide for your future generations?
Scenario 3
CO 002 - Coffee House Chat
CO 002 - Coffee House Chat
Use this one for role-playing and interpersonal communication skills. Fill out the character sheet below to create a persona. Next, the class should be given a historical event or current issue related to the lesson to discuss. Students should also get some time to do some research and to think about how they want to represent their character’s views.
The class will split into groups. What follows will be 20 min. the cafe-style conversation about the chosen topic. Be sure to practice things like being open-minded and disagreeing respectfully.
- Character name:
- Age:
- Gender:
- Marital Status:
- Occupation:
- Education Level:
- Hobbies:
Create a brief background for your character
Research notes for your chat
CO 001 - Worldly Words
CO 001 - Worldly Words
Work on some skills using metaphor and choosing words carefully with this fun, challenging exercise. Imagine you live in a world where there are only 10 words you can ever use. You can repeat them as much as you want, but you can’t ever use any other words. Write down the 10 words you’d choose.
Next, make sentences with them to communicate something to your group. Use feelings and gestures to help them understand you. You can measure their understanding by writing your actual intended meaning below the sentence. Remember, you’ve only got 10 words to use, so choose them well!
Your 10 words:
Create sentences with them here:
Actual meaning:
Actual meaning:
Actual meaning:
Actual meaning:
Actual meaning:
Actual meaning:
Friday, December 20, 2019
Statistics Cheatsheet Newsletter
Statistics Cheatsheet Newsletter
Do you want to pass the statistics final exam?
Do you want to get a good grade?
If your answer is YES, don’t miss this statistics cheatsheet!
Statistics Cheatsheet 5
Statistics Cheatsheet 5
by Lei Bao
Hypothesis Tests Regarding a Parameter
Terms and Definitions
Accept the Null | Reject the Null | |
Null hypothesis is true | Correct Conclusion | Type I Error |
Null hypothesis is false | Type II Error | Correct Conclusion |
Typical Problems
- For students who first enrolled in two year public institutions in a recent semester, the proportion who earned a bachelor’s degree within six years was 0.399. The president of a certain college believes that the proportion of students who enroll in her institution have a higher completion rate.
Determine the null and alternative hypotheses.
H0: p = 0.399
H1: p > 0.399
Which of the following is a Type I error?
- The president rejects the hypothesis that the proportion of students who earn a bachelor’s degree within six years is 0.399, when, in fact, the proportion is 0.399.
Which of the following is a Type II error?
- The president fails to reject the hypothesis that the proportion of students who earn a bachelor’s degree within six years is 0.399, when, in fact, the proportion is greater than 0.399.
- According to a polling organization, 24% of adults in a large region consider themselves to be liberal. A survey asked 200 respondents to disclose their political philosophy: Conservative, Liberal, Moderate. Treat the results of the survey as a random sample of adults in this region. Do the survey results suggest the proportion is higher than that reported by the polling organiztion? Use and α=0.10 level of significance.
The given null and alternative hypotheses.
H0: p = 0.24
H1: p > 0.24 (p^=0.35)
Find the test statistic, z0, for this hypothesis test.
Test Statistics
P-value = 0
State the conclusion.
- Reject H0. There is sufficient evidence at the α=0.10 level of significance to conclude that the proportion is higher than that reported by the polling organization.
- The mean waiting time at the drive-throguh of a fast-food restaurant from the time an order is placed to the time the order is received is 83.7 seconds. A manager devises a new drive-through system that she believes will decrease wait time. As a test, she initiates the new system at her restaurant and measures the wait time for 10 randomly selected orders. The wait times are provided in the table to the right.
Because the sample size is small, the manager must verify that the wait time is normally distributed and the sample does not contain any outliers. The sample correlation coefficient is known to be r = 0.977. Are the conditions for testing the hypothesis satisfied?
- Yes, the conditions are satisfied. The normal probability plot is linear enough, since the correlation coefficient is greater than the critical value.
Is the new system effective? Conduct a hypothesis test using the P-value approach and a level of significance of α=0.05.
H0: μ=83.7
H1: μ<83.7 ($\bar{x} = 78 $, sx=13.973)
Use the α=0.05 level of significance. What can be concluded from the hypothesis test?
- The P-value is greater than the level of significance so there is not sufficient evidence to conclude the new system is effective.
Inference on Two Samples
Terms and Definitions
Typical Problems
- An educator wants to determine whether a new curriculum significantly improve standardized test scores for third grade students. She randomly divides 80 third-graders into two groups. Group 1 is taught using the tradidtional curriculum, while group 2 is taught using the new curriculum. At the end of the school year, both groups are given the standardized test and the mean scores are compared. Determine whether the sampling is dependent or indepdendent. Indicate whether the response variable is qualitative or quantitative.
This sampling is independent because the individuals selected for one sample do not dictate which individuals are to be in a second sample.
The variable is quantitative because it is a numerical measure.
- In 1945, an organization surveyed 1100 adults and asked, “Are you total abstainer from, or do you on occasion consume, alcoholic beverages?” Of the 1100 adults surveyed, 396 indicated that they were total abstainers. In a recent survey, the same question was asked of 1100 adults and 319 indicated that they were total abstainers.
Determine the sample proportion for each sample.
- The proportions of the adults who took the 1945 survey and the recent survey who were total abstainers are 0.36 and 0.29, respectively.
Has the proportion of adults who totally abstain from alcohol changed? Use the α=0.01 level of significance.
First verify the model requirements.
- n1p^1(1−p^1)≥10 and n2p^2(1−p^2)≥10
Identify the null and alternative hypotheses for this test. Let p1 represent the population proportion of 1945 adults who were total abstainers and p2 represent the population proportion of recent adults who were total abstainers.
H0: p1=p2
H1: p1=p2
Find the test statistic for this hypothesis test
Determine the P-value for this hypothesis test.
- P-value = 0
Interpret the P-value
- If the population proportions are equal, one would expect a sample difference proportion greater than the absolute value of the one observed in about 0 out of 100 repetitions of this experiment.
State the conclusion for this hypothesis test.
- Reject H0. There is sufficient evidence at the α=0.01 level of significance to suggest the proportion of adults who totally abstain from alcohol has changed.